Clutton Playgroup is a registered charity and is run by a supportive, voluntary committee who are elected each year. Most of the committee members have children who attend, or have previously attended, the playgroup and stay on as active committee members for more multiple years.

The committee must have at least five members including; a Chairperson, a Treasurer and a Secretary. If you would like to join the committee, please email us:

A list of committee members is displayed inside the Playgroup.

The main duties of the committee are:

Budgeting and Finance

The committee acts in a governing role by employing the play leaders and assistants. It has control of the playgroup’s finances and is responsible for setting budgets and authorising spending on equipment and training.

The Children’s Best Interest at Heart

The committee is responsible for upholding the constitution and policies of Clutton Playgroup and ensuring that the playgroup is run with the children’s best interests at heart.


Communication with parents and carers is very important to us and the committee plays a vital role in ensuring parents and carers are up to date with the latest playgroup initiatives and events.


A large responsibility of the committee is to organise fundraising events to help cover the running costs of the playgroup and continue to keep fees to a minimum. Various fundraising events are held during the year and we encourage parents and carers to get involved in any way they can. You can see the type of fundraising events we have held recently on our Facebook page.

A full list of committee members can be found in the main entrance of the cabin.